Hey dear reader,
welcome to our first YFP who Impact Blog.
We are excited to introduce to you our first feature, Evelyn, an alumni of the Youth in Food Program (YFP) who is changing the narrative within the agriculture sector!
Join the conversation below.

Evelyn, could you introduce your self to the world?
Well, hi everyone! I'm thrilled to be here and to share my journey with you.
My name is Adagna Akentuna Evelyn, I am 26 years of age and I joined the the first cohort of the Youth in Food program in 2022.
In less 3 or less sentences, what does the YFP program means to you?
The YFP program means a lot more to me. The programs hasn't only equipped me with skills that have boosted my self confidence, and supported me improve upon my team lead skills but it has also connected me with potential business partners across the country.
Awesome! Of course now we know that the program has impacted your life, but can you share with us other ways your life was impacted on through the program?
The program has exposed me to the job field as I got the opportunity to interned with the Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO) for a year and it has also connected me to like minded individuals within the sector.
Very dope! What has been your favorite part of the program?
My favorite part of the program was the trips to the farms and other agri business centers. I had the first hand chance to interact with key players who are contributing their quota in ensuring food security in Ghana.
So now that you have been empowered and equipped with so many skills, potentials and connections, how are you giving back to society?
I'm a firm believer of creating impacts where ever you may find our self at and through the program, I have come to see to the potential the agriculture and agribusiness sector holds.
To give back to my society and to support food security especially on the African continent, I founded the Premier Agrihub, an agrihub that grows and supplies mushroom inputs and vegetable seeds.
My initiative also trains and mentors individuals who want to start their careers in mushroom farming.
I also leverage on the power of technology to support 2,700 people with contents around mushroom farming from Youtube channel . 🎥
That is super cool! And we are amazed by your journey and how through the YFP program, you have been able to accomplish a lot of great milestones. Keep creating more impacts girl, we are rooting for you. Thank you for having me here, Hajia!
This brings us to the end of our first amazing feature of the Youth in Food Who Impact.
We shared with you insightful journey of Evelyn and the impacts she is creating in within the food and agri sector.
Do you wish to be like Evelyn? The Youth in Food Program edition 3 application is opened now!
Are you a company who also wish to join Youth in Food Program in impacting and equipping youth in Ghana? APPLY TO JOIN THE PROGRAM