1. YFP Career Networking Event
This an in person career seminar to inspire and connect pre-selected job seekers to vacancies in the food and agric sector. Companies will be invited to exhibit and present their vacancies. In addition, there will be knowledge sessions on career pathways in the food and agric sector in Ghana.
For inquiries kindly contact yfp@ghanafoodmovement.com
Benefits of the Career networking
event for companies :
Access to over 50 pre- selected and trained university graduates .
Promotional content for your organization.
Table for exhibition of your company.
Promotion of your company on YFP and GFM social media platforms.
Kindly contact yfp@ghanafoodmovement.com if your organization would like to present a job vacancy at the Career Networking event.

2. Online
Vacancy session
On a monthly basis we will host intimate online vacancy sessions where companies can book a slot and present their business and vacancies. Over 50 pre-selected and trained graduates will join the presentations to get to know the company, work culture, and learn about vacancies and ask all their questions. Either the CEO or HR or company Rep of the company can do a presentation on the respective vacancies. After these presentations, interested youth will be able to apply.
Kindly contact yfp@ghanafoodmovement.com if your organization would like to present a job vacancy.
Youth hired through the YFP will get access to 5 months online soft skills training on various skills to facilitate their transition into their roles
Youth will receive career guidance from experienced YFP mentors to ensure they excel in their new role at the host companies
Employees from the host company can join the 5 months of online soft skills training by various experts.
"Together we will show youth the cool & innovative
businesses to work for in this sector.
Be one of them!"
Our pool of talent
Ghana Food Movement has an extensive youth network and we are experienced to attract and inspire young people to pursue a career in the sector. The candidates joining this program are graduates form various universities such as University of Ghana (UG), University of Development Studies (UDS), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), University of Professional Studies (UPSA), University of Cape Coast (UCC) and more.
We select a total of 50 job seekers with a university degree from different educational backgrounds; from agriculture and engineering to communication and psychology. Their age is between 20 and 30 years and they have a work experience of 0-5 years. We advocate for more women in the sector and therefore select 60% women and 40% men. We select on personality, motivation for working & potential.
The following companies have joined
one of our cohorts.

Who is behind the program?
The Youth in Food program is initiated by Ghana Food Movement (GFM), in partnership Ghana Netherlands Business and Culture Council (GNBCC) and sponsored by the Dutch Embassy.
We work with various partners like the Youth Employment agency, National Service Scheme and YFM.

Ghana Food Movement
A home for innovation and changemakers creating a thriving foodsystem.
Ghana Food Movement (GFM) is a network of Ghanaian and international food actors including chefs, entrepreneurs, farmers, nutritionists, journalists and food activists who are determined to work towards a stronger local food system. GFM's vision is a self-sufficient Ghanaian food system that provides jobs, boosts local economies and enables access to nutritious local food while protecting ecosystems and biodiversity. They provide access to a diverse network and opportunities in the food space, curate immersive food experiences, design youth focussed capacity building programs and offer consultancy on sustainability, youth engagement and food innovation,


Program Manager

Head of Mentorship

Program Advisor

Youth Onboarding & Coordinator

Creative Director GFM
& Website

Communications Manager